Shown below is the list of accepted teams for the 2013 LNFA Fall tournament for the age group.
7v7 Wednesday 5 - Accepted Teams
Group Club/Team Name Team ID  Head Coach
 A4 Asics America FC D301-01AMen-000084   n/a
 A6 Laguna Niguel Football Assoc - 01
Reds FC
D301-01AMen-000085   Steve George
 A8 Laguna Niguel Football Assoc - 01
South County FC
D301-01AMen-000104   n/a
 A9 Laguna Niguel Football Assoc - 01
Laguna United FC
D301-01BMen-000093   n/a
 A10 Laguna Niguel Football Assoc - 01
OC United FC
D301-01BMen-000087   Ryan Stander